Points of Pride
- Maintains daily attendance at 91%
- Involved in UNICEF, Fitness Program, Provides a ”Summer Orientation Program” for incoming students
- Our 201-22 graduation rate is 94%
- Seventy percent of graduates attend college
- Has a diverse population with no tolerance issues
- International activities and study of global issues
- Offers Arabic and Spanish as a World Language
- Active Home and School Association
- Active School Advisory Council
- All scholars perform a minimum of fifteen hours of community service per year and there is participation in a variety of civic engagement actives that support our school-wide theme “Success Through Accepting Responsibility!”
- Presently we offer 7 Advanced Placement Courses
- Special Courses: Financial Literacy, Film making, Forensics, Anatomy and Physiology, Statistics and International Issues
- National Honor Society and Student Government Association
- Bully Prevention Program and Peer Mediation Program
- Thursday Enrichment Program include Martial Arts, Yoga, Cose-play, Fitness, Debate and cooking
- School Advisory Council and Health and Wellness Council, SIMBA (Safe in My Brothers’ Arms) – a male initiative and DOVE (Daughters of Virtuous Elegance) – a female initiative
Last modified: February 11, 2023